The sportsman's little green book

Healthy until the end of the sneakers

Whether physical or mental, the positive impact of sport on those who practice it is well established. However, its benefits can be spoiled by certain habits or behaviors. We obviously think of doping, but other practices or reflexes are harmful to health and the environment. A short guide to organic sportsmen

A healthy mind in a healthy body

The benefits of sports activity on the body are well known. Engaging in regular physical exercise thus reduces the risk of vascular accidents, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis or even the occurrence of certain cancers. The manifest lengthening of life, under better conditions which is moreover, is coupled with a greater fullness. Between increasing self-confidence and reducing anxiety, jogging, for example, would have the same effect as taking antidepressants in the short term and would prove to be even more effective over time. No need to emphasize the virtues of sport in the fight against overweight and obesity, even in cases of genetic predisposition. What is less known is that physical activity maintains memory and remains a guard against the dangers of Alzheimer's disease. Sport must however remain a reasoned activity, to be carried out in the most harmonious and natural way possible. This is not always the case ...

Bad reflexes

If playing sports is therefore recommended, it is better not to give in to the sirens of marketing to hope to boost your performance or speed up your recovery time. These practices are counterproductive. The same goes for energy bars. A very large number of them incorporate ingredients not recommended in any healthy diet, such as excessive vegetable fats, sources of cardiovascular disease or bad cholesterol. While it is recommended to hydrate regularly during exercise, energy drinks are not recommended. Two deaths linked to their consumption were recently noted and, without going so far, the risks they raise (tachycardia, epileptic seizures, dizziness ...) are cause for concern. In addition, their sugar dosage is often staggering (4 to 8 teaspoons per 250 ml can). Also to be forgotten, the special sports food supplements, especially taken outside any medical framework. The illustration of creatine, a substance that increases muscle mass but can lead to kidney dysfunction, is quite convincing. Fighting against perspiration can also be harmful. Antiperspirant socks thus release toxic products when washing and deodorants incorporating aluminum salts are suspected of being involved in the appearance of certain breast cancers. Beyond these disorders, regulating perspiration during sporting activity is opposed to the very balance of the body.

A gesture for the environment

For the die-hards of behavior in harmony with nature, some disciplines are more polluting than others. The case of motorsports is obvious (the consumption of a jet ski flirts with 20 liters / 100 km), but others are less obvious to understand from this angle. This is the case with skiing and golf, where resource requirements are significant. At an individual level, the question of the choice of material, but also its future, also has a strong impact on the environment. Better to select your accessories and effects according to their composition rather than their look, their fame or the publicity that is made of them. As the Football World Cup opens, it will be remembered for the occasion that many jerseys marketed during the Euro contained very high percentages of chemicals, such as lead or nickel. Likewise, the fact of throwing them in the trash at the end of their life is a heresy when we know that this equipment can be upgraded by competent associations who will resell or recycle it. In short, being a sports bio is a winning choice… at all stages.
