Anti-doping rules for the Lausanne Winter Youth Olympic Games and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Reminder of anti-doping rules on the occasion of the Winter Youth Olympic Games (Lausanne) and the Summer Olympic Games (Tokyo) 2020.

The International Olympic Committee has just published the anti-doping rules applicable to the 3e Winter Youth Olympic Games which will take place in Lausanne in January 2020 and at the Games of the XXXIIe Olympiad which will take place in Tokyo from July 14 to August 9, 2020.

Respect for the rules

Location information:

With regard to whereabouts information, athletes and their respective National Olympic Committees (the “NOCs”) are required to ensure that they fully understand their obligations under the IOC Anti-Doping Rules, in particular those detailed in the IOC Anti-Doping Rules article.

In order to protect clean athletes and enhance the effectiveness of the fight against doping for the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games, all athletes already registered in a tracking system will be asked to provide sufficient '' information (such as the Olympic Village in which they will be staying, the building and room number in said Olympic Village, the training location and information on the accommodation location for athletes who do not reside in the village Olympic), so that they can be easily located from the date of opening of the Olympic Village to the date of the closing ceremony of the Winter Youth Olympic Games Lausanne 2020 included.

ADAMS will be used to access whereabouts information.

Where appropriate, the assistance of the NOCs will be requested by the ITA in order to help it locate the athletes (for example by providing it with the updated list of rooms for which a model will be provided by the ITA) and '' ensure athletes understand the importance of complying with whereabouts information requirements. In some cases, International Federations or National Anti-Doping Organizations will be requested to register athletes in their tracking system.

In the meantime, don't hesitate to contact ITA by email (, with any questions you may have on this matter.

The Prohibited List:

The Prohibited List, applicable to the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games, will be the 2020 Prohibited List.

It will be available on the WADA website and on the IOC website and on the website of the Monegasque Anti-Doping Committee.

All samples collected by ITA in connection with the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games will be analyzed for all prohibited substances and all prohibited methods mentioned in the Prohibited List 2020.

Resolution of outstanding cases involving possible anti-doping rule violations

Every effort made by National Anti-Doping Organizations, International Federations and NOCs will be appreciated in order to make every effort to resolve outstanding cases involving possible anti-doping rule violations committed by Athletes or Support Personnel who may participate. at the Winter Youth Olympic Games, before said athletes take part in their first competitions at the Winter Youth Olympic Games and before the support staff validate their identity and accreditation cards Olympic for the Winter Youth Olympic Games.

Contact person within the NOCs for doping-related questions

All NOCs sending teams to the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games will need to provide the name and contact details (email address and mobile phone number) of the person ITA can contact regarding doping-related questions on the occasion of the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games, by email (, no later than September 30, 2019.

Contact person within International Federations for doping-related issues

All International Federations whose sport is included in the program of the Winter Youth Olympic Games Lausanne 2020 must send the ITA by email (, no later than September 30, 2019, the name and the contact details (email address and mobile phone number) of the person ITA can contact regarding doping-related issues on the occasion of the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games.

In order to contribute to the information of Monegasque athletes who will participate in these Games but also to that of their management, whether administrative, sports or medical, the Monegasque Anti-Doping Committee is pleased to put them online on its website under the heading "Legislation".

It is important to remember that the IOC, as a signatory of the World Anti-Doping Code, established and adopted these Rules in accordance with the Code and International Standards, in particular the 2020 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods which will be in effect during the Games in Lausanne and Tokyo.

The Rules will be in effect from the opening of the Athletes' Villages in Lausanne and Tokyo until their closing ceremonies (January 5 to 22, 2020 and July 14 to August 9, 2020 respectively).

During these periods, all participating athletes will be subject to testing by the International Control Agency (ICA) - to which the IOC has delegated some of its responsibilities related to the implementation of the doping control process at the Games. .

In addition, the IOC Director of Legal Affairs, Ms. Anne van Ysendyck and the IOC Medical and Scientific Director, Mr. Richard Budgett wished to draw attention to important points which are summarized below:

The IOC anti-doping rules applicable to the 3 rd Winter Youth Olympic Games Lausanne 2020

They are based on WADA's “Model Rules for Organizations Responsible for Major Sporting Events”, based on the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code with 2019 amendments. These documents are available on this website. Monegasque Anti-Doping Committee.

A copy of these IOC Anti-Doping Rules, as well as the Code currently in force, are also available, in English and French, on the IOC website and on the website of WADA.

I - Roles and responsibilities :

1. The IOC has delegated some of its responsibilities related to the implementation of doping control in relation to the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games to the International Testing Agency (the “ITA”) in accordance with the Code and the IOC Anti-Doping Rules.

This delegation includes in particular the planning of the distribution of doping controls, authorizations for therapeutic use (“TUE”) and results management.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the IOC, as Signatory of the Code, remains responsible for compliance with the Code for all aspects related to doping control carried out by the ITA or other third parties on behalf of the IOC during Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games.

2. Although the IOC remains competent to carry out testing on all athletes registered to participate in the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games and is the results management authority, in practice the ITA will carry out testing activities. and will lead the results management process on behalf of the IOC. To the extent that an anti-doping rule violation is alleged, the ITA will file a complaint with the Anti-Doping Chamber of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (“CAS Anti-Doping Chamber”) on behalf of the IOC. The CAS Anti-Doping Chamber will not be present on site during the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games.


II - Doping control during the period of the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games  :

3. During the period of the Winter Youth Olympic Games, all doping controls carried out by the ITA will be carried out in accordance with WADA International Standards, in addition to the IOC Anti-Doping Rules.

The period of the Winter Youth Olympic Games is defined as "the period beginning on the date of the opening of the Olympic Village for the Winter Youth Olympic Games Lausanne 2020, namely on January 5, 2020, and ending on ending on the date of the closing ceremony of the Winter Youth Olympic Games Lausanne 2020, namely January 22, 2020 ”.

The period of the Winter Youth Olympic Games includes the “in competition” periods (ie “the period beginning twelve (12) hours before a competition in which the athlete is to participate and ending at the end of said competition and of the Sample collection process in relation to said competition ") and" out of competition "(ie any period that is not" in competition ").

4. During the period of the Winter Youth Olympic Games, all athletes must undergo doping controls initiated by the ITA at any time and in any place, without the need to donate. notice to athletes.

5. Anti-doping organizations wishing to carry out doping controls on athletes under their jurisdiction during the period of the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games are invited to contact the ITA and coordinate the controls. This also applies to the period preceding the validation of the Olympic identity and accreditation card of these athletes for the Winter Youth Olympic Games Lausanne 2020 and after the end of the last competition of said athletes at the Games. Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympics.

III - Authorizations for therapeutic use :

6. An athlete must apply for a TUE before taking any substance on the Prohibited List. This procedure is explained in more detail in the IOC Anti-Doping Rules.

TUE applications in connection with the period of the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games should preferably be submitted via the Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (“ADAMS”).

IV - Participation of International Federations in proceedings before the CAS Anti-Doping Chamber :

7. To the extent that an athlete is accused of having committed an IOC Anti-Doping Rule violation, the International Federation is encouraged to delegate its jurisdiction to rule, at first instance, on sanctions arising from IOC Anti-Doping Rules violations that have occurred. produced on the occasion of the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games, to the CAS Anti-Doping Chamber and, in doing so, accept the arbitration rules of the CAS Anti-Doping Chamber for any doping-related procedure.

Upon request, the International Federation will participate in the proceedings of the CAS Anti-Doping Chamber to ensure that the sanctions imposed by the CAS Anti-Doping Chamber are as provided for in the applicable rules of said International Federation.

The IOC Anti-Doping Rules state that Athletes who are part of the CMA Registered Target Group (RAG) or their International Federation's Registered Target Group must continue to update their whereabouts information in ADAMS during the Games.

The IOC anti-doping rules applicable to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games:

They are based on WADA's “Model Rules for Organizations Responsible for Major Sporting Events”, based on the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code with 2019 amendments. These documents are available on this website. Monegasque Anti-Doping Committee.

A copy of these IOC Anti-Doping Rules, as well as the Code currently in force, are also available, in English and French, on the IOC website and on the website of WADA.


I - Roles and responsibilities :

1. The IOC has delegated some of its responsibilities related to the implementation of doping control in relation to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 to the International Testing Agency (the “ITA”) in accordance with the IOC Anti-Doping Code and Rules.

2. Although the IOC remains competent to carry out Testing on all athletes registered to participate in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and is the results management authority, in practice the ITA will carry out testing activities and conduct the management procedure. results on behalf of the IOC.

To the extent that an anti-doping rule violation is alleged, the ITA will file a complaint with the Anti-Doping Chamber of the Court of Arbitration for Sport on behalf of the IOC.

The CAS Anti-Doping Chamber will be present on site during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.


II - Doping control during the period of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 :

3. During the period of the Olympic Games, all doping controls conducted by the ITA will be carried out in accordance with WADA International Standards, in addition to the IOC Anti-Doping Rules.

The period of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games is defined as "the period beginning on the date of opening of the Olympic Village for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, namely July 14, 2020, and ending on the date of the Closing Ceremony. of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, namely August 9, 2020 ”.

The period of the Olympic Games includes the "in competition" periods (i.e. "the period beginning twelve (12) hours before a competition in which the Athlete is to participate and ending at the end of said competition and of the Sample collection process. in relation to said competition ") and" out of competition "(ie any period which is not" in competition ").

4. During the period of the Olympic Games, all athletes must submit to doping controls initiated by the ITA at any time and in any place, without the need to give prior notice to the athletes.

5. Anti-doping organizations wishing to carry out doping controls on athletes under their jurisdiction during the period of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, are invited to contact the ITA and coordinate the controls. This also applies to the period preceding the validation of the Olympic identity and accreditation card of these athletes for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and after the end of the last competition of said athletes at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.


III - Authorizations for therapeutic use :

6. An athlete must apply for a TUE before taking any substance on the Prohibited List. This procedure is explained in more detail in the IOC Anti-Doping Rules.

TUE applications relating to the period of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games should preferably be submitted through the Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (“ADAMS”).

IV - Participation of International Federations in proceedings before the CAS Anti-Doping Chamber :

7. To the extent that an athlete is accused of having committed an IOC Anti-Doping Rule violation, the International Federation is encouraged to delegate its jurisdiction to rule, at first instance, on sanctions arising from IOC Anti-Doping Rules violations that have occurred. produced on the occasion of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, to the CAS Anti-Doping Chamber and, in doing so, accept the arbitration rules of the CAS Anti-Doping Chamber for any doping-related procedure.

Upon request, the International Federation will participate in the proceedings of the CAS Anti-Doping Chamber to ensure that the sanctions imposed by the CAS Anti-Doping Chamber are as provided for in the applicable rules of said International Federation.

Location information:

Regarding whereabouts information, athletes and their respective National Olympic Committees (NOCs) are required to ensure that they fully understand their obligations under the IOC Anti-Doping Rules, in particular those detailed in Article 5.6. of the IOC Anti-Doping Rules.

In order to protect clean athletes and enhance the effectiveness of anti-doping for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, all athletes already registered in a tracking system will be required to provide sufficient information (such as building and room number in said Olympic Village, training location and accommodation information for athletes who do not reside in the Olympic Village), so that they can be easily located from the date opening of the Olympic Village on the date of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 included.

ADAMS will be used to access whereabouts information.

Where appropriate, the assistance of the NOCs will be requested by the ITA in order to help it locate the athletes (for example by providing it with the updated list of rooms for which a model will be provided by the ITA) and '' ensure athletes understand the importance of complying with whereabouts information requirements. In some cases, International Federations or National Anti-Doping Organizations will be requested to register athletes in their tracking system.

In the meantime, don't hesitate to contact ITA by email (, with any questions you may have on this matter.

The Prohibited List:

The Prohibited List, applicable to the Olympic Games, will be the 2020 Prohibited List.

It will be available on the WADA website, on the IOC website and on the website of the Monegasque Anti-Doping Committee.

All samples collected by the ITA in connection with the Olympic Games will be analyzed for all prohibited substances and all prohibited methods mentioned in the Prohibited List 2020.

Resolution of outstanding cases involving possible anti-doping rule violations

Every effort made by National Anti-Doping Organizations, International Federations and NOCs will be appreciated in order to make every effort to resolve outstanding cases involving possible anti-doping rule violations committed by Athletes or Support Personnel who may participate. Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, before said athletes take part in their first competitions at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and before the support staff validate their identity card and Olympic accreditation for the Olympic Games of Tokyo 2020.

Contact person within International Federations for doping-related issues

All NOCs sending teams to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 will be required to provide the name and contact details (email address and mobile phone number) of the person ITA can contact regarding doping related matters to the Olympic Games. occasion of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games by email (, no later than March 31, 2020.

Contact person within the NOCs for doping-related questions

All International Federations whose sport is on the program for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games must send to ITA by email (, no later than March 31, 2020, the name and contact details (e-mail address). -mail and mobile phone number) of the person ITA can contact regarding doping-related issues during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
