A word from the President, Mr. Philippe Orengo

It is undoubtedly because they bring together all the common and universal values on which human societies are based, that they bring into play all the facets of the personality of individuals, that, to varying degrees, they are accessible to all and that they are a factor in health, physical and mental balance, fulfilment and education, that physical and sporting activities are increasingly extending their hold in social reality, in our lifestyles and our ways of conceiving of living together.

Like any human activity, sport, in competition as in leisure, and its derivatives such as fitness, are necessarily subject to rules - precisely called rules of the game - and to fundamental principles of ethics and professional conduct. This is what the Olympic Charter sums up by affirming that if the practice of sport is a human right, it also involves duties.

No one is forced to play sports. The free choice to indulge in it in any capacity whatsoever (practitioner, educator, trainer, leader, referee) commits the person who did so to assume the responsibilities that flow from it, and in particular to be in harmony with himself. even and with others, that of respecting the laws of the game which condition its exercise and the values ​​it conveys. The latter are in truth nothing other than fundamental social values, such as the preservation of the dignity of the human person, the equality of all before the regulations, the respect for others, the concern for justice, among many. others that we could also mention, which ensure social cohesion and the sharing of a quality of life.

If sport and physical activities are based on the search for personal or collective fulfillment, their practice presupposes a reasoned knowledge of one's own limits, a desire to accord them in a fair balance with the goals pursued and a healthy lifestyle at the service of which the spirit of competition cannot be an end in itself nor the search for performance justify the use of unfair means.

Within this general framework, the fight against doping is one of the safeguards implemented against all the abuses which distort the spirit, the values ​​and the very purpose of sport and physical activities.

It corresponds to a triple concern of ethics, equity and public health.

Ethical first, because the practice of physical activities must respond to a balanced balance of the individual vis-à-vis himself and vis-à-vis others. It is indeed only on this condition that it can bring to each one a real possibility of self-fulfillment.

Fairness then, because competition can only be genuine and have real value if it is fair.

Finally, public health, because if sport must, above all else, be a source of pleasure and well-being, the use of devices, whether doping substances or prohibited methods, is likely not only to bring about consequences that can be dramatic on an individual scale, but also to create burdens as heavy as they are unjustified on the scale of society.

The Monegasque Anti-Doping Committee can therefore only endorse Juvenal's ancient adage "A healthy mind in a healthy body", the conciseness of which remains more relevant than ever.

By welcoming you to its website, it wishes you a pleasant navigation, expresses the wish that its different sections answer your questions and arouse your interest in favor of a clean sport and ensure that you are listening to you.

Best regards to all,

Philippe Orengo

Mr. Philippe Orengo

President of the CMA
