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    This form is completely anonymous and does not collect any trace of your identity

    The Monegasque Anti-Doping Committee is determined to promote a culture of sportsmanship, fair play, transparency and accountability, with a view to protecting clean athletes, preserving the confidence of the public and the sports community, as well as protecting the signatories and their members.

    As part of its mission to protect clean athletes, it therefore encourages all persons who learn or suspect that a violation of the World Anti-Doping Code or of the national anti-doping regulations has been committed to report it to it on this platform.

    If you have serious and reasonable grounds to believe or suspect that one or more people have violated anti-doping rules or committed actions likely to hinder the fight against doping and you wish to issue a report on this subject, three tools are at your disposal:

    - this anonymous and confidential platform of the Monegasque Anti-Doping Committee;

    - the encrypted and secure website of the World Anti-Doping Agency "Speak up!" (Break the silence!). A secure mobile application is also available (Speak Up! On Google Play and Apple store). These two reporting channels are easy to use and provide step-by-step instructions in multiple languages.

    - WADA's investigation department, which can be contacted either:

    → by calling + 1-514-904-8822, between 9 a.m. and 16 p.m. (Montreal time) or by leaving a message outside of opening hours;

    → by sending an email to the following address:

    If you choose to report the information to WADA, please read carefully the Whistleblower Program which determines the Agency's policy and its procedure for reporting misconduct.

    If you choose to make a report on the Committee's platform, please take note of the following points beforehand.

    Who can issue a report?

    Any natural person acting in a personal capacity or on behalf of a group of selfless and in good faith and whose action in reporting does not obey illicit or unethical objectives.

    What serious situation can be reported?

    The intervention of the whistleblower must above all be justified by a serious and manifest violation seriously damaging (or involving a risk of serious damage) to the general interest.

    You can report any suspected anti-doping rule violation or any act or omission that may interfere with the fight against doping.

    This includes any reprehensible behavior with regard to the texts applicable to the fight against doping and more generally, crimes and offenses, the serious and manifest violation of the provisions of the World Anti-Doping Code and the International Standards which are related to it, of a law. or a regulation relating to the fight against doping, any serious threat to the general interest, in particular to the health interest, of which the whistleblower has personally knowledge and which he can legitimately think is based on accurate information.

    What guarantees does the whistleblower benefit from?

    The protection of the whistleblower is ensured:

    * by the strictly confidential nature of the procedure and the protection of his identity.

    The procedure implemented to collect reports guarantees strict confidentiality of the identity of the authors of the report, of the persons targeted by it and of the information collected by all the recipients of the report. Thus, the elements likely to identify the whistleblower can only be disclosed with the consent of the latter. In addition, the elements likely to identify the person implicated by an alert can only be disclosed once it has been established that the alert is justified.

    The Committee will keep the evidence and information in a secure place with restricted access, in strict accordance with article 14.6 of the World Anti-Doping Code and the provisions of the International Standard for the Protection of Personal Information (“ PROS ").

    * by the legal protection of the whistleblower against possible retaliatory measures.

    What are the risks to which the whistleblower is exposed in the event of abusive reporting?

    When he has at least partial knowledge of the inaccuracy of the facts or when he has made this report with the intention of causing harm, he incurs the penalties provided for in article 307 of the Monegasque Penal Code relating to slanderous denunciations. If the whistleblower is a public official, he is also liable to disciplinary proceedings.

    If the denunciations are liable to be qualified as a crime or an offense, within the meaning of Monegasque criminal law, the Monegasque Anti-Doping Committee may notify the Public Prosecutor's Office in application of article 61 of the Monegasque Code of Criminal Procedure.
